[1492 – PRESENT ]
While the history of Calendar Reform goes back to the Julian Reform of 45 BC, in this timeline we are only including events that followed the arrival of Columbus to America. The Gregorian Reform of 1582 took place only 90 years after the arrival of Columbus to America at a point in time where the European colonies were already establishing and expanding across the “New World”. The imperial powers needed a tool to control the taxation of the colonies. The Gregorian calendar became an instrument of control and the most pervading tool behind the “Doctrine of Discovery”. Its adoption by the colonies was intended to deprive the native people from their ability to follow natural cycles of time. This timeline will be regularly updated.
The Papal Bull “Inter Caetera” is issued by Pope Alexander VI, granting to Spain (the Crowns of Castile and Aragon) all lands to the “west and south” of a pole-to-pole line 100 leagues west and south of any of the islands of the Azores or the Cape Verde islands. This papal bull played a central role… The Julian calendar year eventually proved to be slightly longer than the solar year. By the 16th century, the beginning of spring fell in early March. Pope Gregory XIII introduced the Gregorian Reform of the Calendar on February 24, 1582. The Bull containing this reform has been nicknamed, Inter Gravissimas…. “The two most significant calendar reforms in history were the Julian calendar reform of 46-45 B.C., and its successor, the Gregorian, in A.D. 1582. Julius Caesar’s motives had everything to do with his personal ambition and the conversion of Rome from a republican to an imperial form of government. Julius… Named after his father George Washington Eastman, George Eastman was born on July 12, 1854, in Waterville, New York. “The League of Nations appointed a Committee of Inquiry to study the question of calendar reform. More than 130 (185) different proposals were submitted to the committee, but the Cotsworth Plan is the one outstanding proposal that meets the needs of business organizations such as the International Chamber of Commerce,… With this decision, George Eastman of Eastman Kodak starts a great campaign on behalf of a 13-month, 28-day calendar, known as The International Fixed Calendar, a perpetual calendar (same every year) with 13 equal months of exactly 4 weeks (28 days) each, comprising 364 days, and with the final 365th day… The US Secretary of State, Col. Henry L. Stimson receives the report from the National Committee on Calendar Simplification, which he will forward to the League of Nations at Geneva. American public opinion favors a 13-months fixed calendar” First initiative to promote a Culture of Peace is born in Washington DC and presented to the world: The Roerich Pact, the first International Peace treaty of its kind, was agreed to by twenty-two nations of the Americas and signed into effect at the White House by all the members of… A DECLARATION OF THE SECOND ECUMENICAL COUNCIL OF THE VATICAN ON REVISION OF THE CALENDAR“The Second Ecumenical Sacred Council of the Vatican, recognizing the importance of the wishes expressed by many concerning the assignment of the feast of Easter to a fixed Sunday and concerning an unchanging calendar, having carefully… First Global Synchronized Meditation for Peace on Earth organized as a symbolic redemption of Hiroshima nuclear bomb. “There in the Museum of Time [Geneva, Switzerland], essentially surrounded by examples of the history of the clock and mechanization, and because our perceptions had been altered by our living so completely by the various timing cycles encoded in the Mayan calendar system, we were able to spontaneously perceive the… “As the Coordinators of the World Summit on Peace and Time, convened by the World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement, University for Peace, Costa Rica, June 22-27, 1999, we wish to acknowledge the presence of a unique peace mission at the United Nations this week, July 12-16, 1999. The… Considering their rare and close occurrence in time, the Venus Transit of 2012 and the “Galactic Alignment” of Earth with the Sun and the “Dark Rift” at the heart of the Milky Way galaxy on the Winter/Summer Solstice, right during the closing of the 13th Baktun of the Mayan Long… “Sophia is activated on April 19, 2015 [NS1.27.10.16 ~ KIN 16] [1] The robot is modeled after actress Audrey Hepburn,[2] and is known for its human-like appearance and behavior compared to previous robotic variants.” NS1.28.13.26 Panel discussion on “Natural Time and Calendar Change” presented at UN Headquarters in NYC during the Annual Nexus Global Youth Summit 2016. Calendar Reform seed planted. NS1.29.2.27 • KIN 13 The Global Council for Calendar Awareness (GCCA) is born as an autonomous educational and cultural platform with a clear mission: to educate Humanity about the effects of calendars on consciousness, and re-introduce the 13-Moon x 28-Day +1 Matrix as the most basic and practical application of… NS1.29.3.21 INDIGENOUS PEOPLE’S DAY (COLUMBUS DAY) ~ 524 YEARS FROM THE ARRIVAL OF COLUMBUS TO AMERICA~ The Global Council for Calendar Awareness (GCCA), launches an open, formal petition for Calendar Referendum 2020 along with a Declaration of Universal World Peace to help humanity restore right relationship with Nature and “natural time” inviting people… We are officially launching our new website and the Calendar Referendum Initiative 2020 on DAY 1 of the 4th Venus Synodic Cycle since the historic Venus Transit of 2012 followed the next day by New Moon! On October 11, 2017 [NS1.30.3.22 ~ KIN 141] , Sophia was introduced to the United Nations with a brief conversation with the United Nations Deputy Secretary-General, Amina J. Mohammed.[13]
The Doctrine of Discovery
May 4, 1493
Gregorian Calendar Reform introduced
February 24, 1582
Gregorian Calendar Reform enacted.
October 4, 1582
George Eastman Kodak born
July 12, 1854
The League of Nations appoints a Committee of Inquiry on calendar reform
January 1, 1922
Eastman Kodak Co. adopts 13-month, 28-day calendar
January 1, 1928
Final Report from US National Committee on Calendar Simplification
August 14, 1929
Roerich Peace Pact signed in Washington DC
April 15, 1935
December 4, 1963
Harmonic Convergence 1987
August 16, 1987
Discovery of the Law of Time
December 10, 1989
1st World Summit on Peace and Time
June 22, 1999
December 21, 2012
AI “Sophia” is activated
April 19, 2015
Calendar Reform subject re-introduced @ UN
July 22, 2016
Global Council for Calendar Awareness is born
September 18, 2016
Calendar Referendum 2020 Petition Launch
October 10, 2016
Campaign for the New Time 2.0 starts with New Venus Cycle
March 26, 2017
AI Sophia 1st visit to the UN
October 11, 2017